El Dorado Sapphire Mine

Click on each picture to enlarge it


My work area

The light box I made with Sapphires on it.

The light box I made

Box of Sapphire Gravel from Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine Helena, MT

The Elf Box

The screens I use.

The screens I use with Sapphire gravel in them.

Can you see the Sapphires?

Can you see the Sapphires now?

Can you see the Sapphires?

Can you see the Sapphires?

Can you see the Sapphires now?

Agates, Quartz and Jaspers from MT.

 El Dorado Page 2


MT Sapphires 06 El Dorado Sapphires My Best MT Sapphires MT SapphiresSpokane Bar


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